Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Honesty Is the Best Policy for Your Bankruptcy

With many bankruptcy cases, I find that debtors are nervous about listing all of their possessions. They sometimes think, “Well, if I list it, do I have to give it up?” Not necessarily. A lawyer is, after all, there to protect the belongings that you want to keep. It is important to list all of your assets and debts because we have to get a snap shot of your current situation. If your lawyer or, more importantly, the bankruptcy court doesn’t fully understand what you own and what debt you’ve incurred, they won’t be able to help you in the best way possible. Moreover, hiding something from the court can be considered bankruptcy fraud—for which you can go to prison.

I heard a story about a woman in this very situation that I’d like to share to further illustrate my point. Julie Lynn Wagman was filing chapter 7 bankruptcy. When she was asked to list all of her assets, she left out an $8,000 rolex watch, a $4,400 tennis bracelet, and a $42,000 diamond wedding ring. When the trustee discovered that she had hidden these items, he conducted an examination in which she admitted to owning all of the items. The problem was that she had already lied under oath. She ended up pleading guilty to one felony count of making false statements under penalties of perjury in a bankruptcy proceeding. She could now face fines and jail time.

Honesty is an essential ingredient in having a successful bankruptcy. There are certainly cases where a debtor has forgotten something and the court understood it was an honest mistake. This woman, however, intentionally left off items out of fear. If she had just been truthful from the beginning, especially with her lawyer, all of this would likely have been avoided.

Monday, August 22, 2016

How Can You Find the Best Bankruptcy Attorney?

If you’re looking for a really good bankruptcy attorney in Missouri or Illinois, you’re not alone. It is sometimes hard to know what to look for in a good attorney. The advertisements always promise the same things; so how do you know? Here are a few tips for finding the right attorney to help your particular situation:

    Don’t pick an attorney based on geography. Picking the attorney who is down the street as opposed to the best attorney in your metro area isn’t always the best idea. While it may be convenient to drive there, you may end up driving just as much back and forth if he isn’t the best one for your case.
    Do a background check. If the attorney you are looking at has good results, chances are you can find them somewhere. Look for client testimonials or case results on their website. If you can’t find any satisfied customers, what are the chances that you will be happy with their service?
    Research. Is there a website that has frequently asked questions or articles? Have they released any publications? You can get an idea of just how much of an expert this is an attorney by how much information he or she has put out there.

Wouldn’t you want to avoid making a mistake that could ruin your case? By looking up the right information, you can feel confident that the bankruptcy attorney you have chosen is the right one.

Friday, August 19, 2016

What’s Your First Move after a Foreclosure Notice?

Receiving a notice that your home is going into foreclosure can be absolutely devastating. While debt is hard to move through, foreclosure makes you feel like you no longer have any moves to make. The good news is you’ve still got options after you receive a notice of foreclosure. So what is the most important advice I can give you after 15 years of experience? Don’t Wait.

I’m sure your next question is, “Don’t wait to do what?” Don’t wait to explore your options. There are often three avenues you can take when you are in foreclosure. First, you can choose to try and modify your loan with your mortgage company. This is often the first move for a lot of people. Unfortunately, this economy is causing loan modifications to be harder to obtain. In fact, America’s largest lender is only approving about 4% of the people who apply for the modification. And what happens to the other 96%? Well, they get a notification that there isn’t anything that can be done to help them. That notification may not come until weeks or days before a foreclosure date—and then you are left with little time to pick another option.

You can also look into debt settlement to try and free up some of your money and make your mortgage payments but, since so many have been turning to debt settlement, the amount of scams have been steadily rising. It also only offers to settle some of your debt. There are other options that can actually eliminate your debt and give you legal protection from your creditors.

The third option that is usually thought of in the event of a foreclosure is bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can actually stop a foreclosure immediately. In a study conducted earlier this year, it showed that over 20% of the people who filed for bankruptcy did so to save their home. It is most definitely the safest option out of the three. Not only will it stop your foreclosure but bankruptcy will also stop harassing creditor calls, wage garnishments, and car repossessions. No wonder the number of bankruptcy filings has hit an all time high this year.

Whatever option you choose, it is important not to wait. If you wait to decide what move you will make, it could leave you without enough time to let any option help you save your home.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

ECM: How to Do More With Documents Than Just File Them Away

Whether it’s in the name of going green, saving money, improving collaboration or meeting compliance goals, banks increasingly are going paperless. And while each of these drivers is a worthy reason for the shift, the strategy is impossible without a means to organize and manage the influx of now-electronic documents and data.

Enter: enterprise content management. ECM encompasses several facets of data management. At its base, enterprise content management is merely a structured system of classifying, arranging and storing electronic documents and other information. More advanced ECM capabilities, however, include automated workflow, image recognition and cleanup, document preservation and distribution, and even information security.

Despite the fact that not all ECM systems are created equal, a financial firm can create a competitive advantage by leveraging its system’s capabilities smartly, stresses Ron Ruckh, managing director of financial services for Devon, Pa.-based global expert services and consulting group LECG. “The wave of the future is not that we’re going to build all this new technology,” he says. “The wave of the future is that we’re going to use this technology to help us do things better. That’s where innovation comes from.”

Ruckh says he believes a better understanding of data as an asset — and not the ECM technology itself — will lead the next evolution in enterprise content management. While in the past it has been a race to deploy the best system for document capture, management, workflow, delivery and storage, today it’s a matter of knowing what to do with the documents and data now that it’s all electronic, he asserts. “It’s not just a technology project,” Ruckh says. “It’s a business project.”

Getting Started: Defining Goals

Whereas implementation of an ECM solution depends on a bank’s IT organization, Ruckh continues, it’s up to the institution’s business leaders to define content and how to use it to create value. “So from a business perspective, that end user has more of a stake in what’s going to happen,” he emphasizes.

Westfield Bank, a community bank with $1.2 billion in assets, formed this sort of IT department-bank management partnership over the past several years. Andrew Weibel, assistant vice president of information systems, was charged with deploying an ECM system across the bank’s 11 branches and Westfield, Mass.-based corporate headquarters. In order to accomplish the bank’s goals for the content management system, he says, his IT department “had to have the cooperation and buy-in from senior management and staff from all of our departments.”

Deploying Westlake, Ohio-based Hyland Software’s OnBase solution across the enterprise, Weibel relates, wasn’t simply a matter of plugging in the software and dictating how the bank was going to use it; rather, it was a collaborative process between Westfield Bank’s IT department and each of the bank’s business units to model the solution so it would meet specific business needs.

“The business needs to understand that,” LECG’s Ruckh says. “And that’s the projection the technology side needs to make: ‘We’ve got all the tools — we can be very innovative in what we build. But we need to build a product that actually makes sense.’”

In Westfield Bank’s case, the solution that made sense purely for the organizational elements of its ECM strategy was technology that gave each department access to a system that electronically mimicked many of the bank’s preexisting paper file management and storage systems. While it might not sound like the most innovative technology, Weibel says, in terms of document organization, the system worked for the bank’s staff.

“The system isn’t the bottleneck,” he stresses, supporting LECG’s Ruckh’s assertion that defining business goals for the technology is more important than the specific ECM system. “Mostly,” Weibel adds, “[the challenge] is determining how staff wants to use it.”

Nara Bank is a Los Angeles-based institution with $2.9 billion in assets that serves the Korean-American community on the West Coast and in New York and New Jersey. The bank has been rolling out an enterprise content management solution over the past year and a half. “The reason why we started looking at this type of technology was because we had an initiative to make the bank more efficient,” relates Mona Chui, the bank’s IT manager. “In the past the bank was paper based, and we realized that wasn’t going to work.”

Noting that one of the biggest gains from incorporating ECM has been the ability to transport documents from location to location faster, Chui says Nara Bank’s solution, from Long Beach, Calif.-based LaserFiche, was not difficult to install, but that the bank had to determine how to meet compliance requirements and establish a workflow that made sense. It took Nara Bank between six and nine months to customize, install, test and deploy the new ECM, she adds, and once the tool was ready, a good deal of time was dedicated to scanning existing documents into the system.

“The other thing we are going through is, we’re taking all the internal forms and creating electronic forms,” Chui adds. “With the electronic forms, we are able to send those through the system.”

Westfield Bank’s Weibel points out that in addition to establishing business requirements and workflow, successfully installing an ECM system means allocating enough space to store all of the new data. “We planned ahead for the storage,” he says. “Storage is always a challenge; backup is always a challenge. We scaled large from the beginning, and that’s really paid off.”

Next Steps: Innovation

But simply installing an enterprise content management system and uploading electronic documents to it is not enough. To get the most out of an ECM system, LECG’s Ruckh says, a bank needs to examine what information the ECM is capable of managing and, ultimately, how to gain value from it.

“What’s happening more and more is, people are starting to realize it’s not just paper [that needs managing],” Ruckh adds. “So what are we defining as our content that we’re trying to manage? It’s files. It’s data. When we say ‘enterprise content management,’ that includes data.” And that’s where the innovation really begins, he suggests.

While Nara Bank is using its new ECM to create and distribute electronic forms for easier coast-to-coast collaboration, for example, Westfield Bank is using its content management system to improve security. Westfield is leveraging its ECM technology to add a new layer of security afforded by employee access rights to information and a concrete audit trail that shows exactly when various documents are accessed and by whom, according to the bank’s Weibel. “We’re fairly unique in how we use this,” he contends, describing how the bank has built the ability into its ECM technology to record and store voice records to verify commercial transactions.

Westfield Bank also is using its ECM capabilities to secure commercial clients’ wire transactions. As an added layer of protection for commercial clients conducting wire transfers, in addition to signing and sending a form to Westfield, which uploads the document to its content management system, they also can verify the transaction by leaving a voicemail, which is converted into a WAV file, verified and stored electronically with the signed transfer order, Weibel reports. Content management no longer means merely paper storage; it’s the organization of all data, regardless of file type, he notes, adding that it’s just a matter of adjusting the ECM system to accommodate various data formats.

“Businesses are saying they need to look at what their data is, and they realize they need to use it as more than information, but as an asset,” LECG’s Ruckh explains.